

  • How hydronic heating works?

    Hydronic heating is also referred to as radiant heating. It is a system whereby heated water passes through plastic tubing embedded in ceiling, walls or under the floors of a home. Hydronic heat is less expensive to use than traditional electric or gas heating systems. Since water conducts heat more easily than air, less energy is used to spread heat throughout the house. It is also more efficient as there is no air loss through ducts and no constant cycling of fans and furnaces.

  • What type of floors are optimal for hydronic heating systems?

    The most common type of hydronic heating system is one that is installed under the floor. In this case, the type of flooring used on top of the system is important as certain flooring materials are better heat conductors than others. For instance, ceramic tile is the most desirable type of flooring to use because of its excellent thermal conductivity and ability to store heat for extended periods. Less desirable flooring materials include linoleum and carpet. They act as insulators and prevent you feeling the full benefit of the hydronic heat.

  • What is the difference between hydronic and forced air systems?

    While forced air systems have the ability to quickly raise the temperature in a home; the hydronic system takes a little bit longer as the materials must heat before the air. Without ducting and forced air, the hydronic system does not dry the air or force dust and allergens into the living space. This is especially beneficial for people who suffer from asthma or allergies.

  • What is the cost of hydronic system installation?

    Initial costs comparisons definitely tilt in favor of the forced air systems. Installing hydronic heating during new construction is far more expensive. However, the cost-savings due to lower energy bills will negate the upfront costs over time. Additionally, since hydronic heating is considered to be eco-friendly the government offers incentive programs designed to help defray the initial investment by the homeowner.

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